Parental control

Protecting Minors Online

We are committed to providing a safe and secure environment for all users. As a responsible platform, we offer parental controls to help parents and guardians restrict access to explicit content and ensure a safe online experience for minors.

Parental Control Features

  1. Age Restrictions: Limit access to explicit content based on age.
  2. Content Filtering: Block specific types of content, such as nudity or violence.
  3. Time Limits: Set time limits on usage to ensure responsible browsing.
  4. Monitoring: View activity logs to monitor your child’s online behavior.

How to Enable Parental Controls

  1. Create an Account: Register as a parent or guardian.
  2. Add Child Profile: Create a profile for your child.
  3. Set Controls: Configure parental controls according to your preferences.
  4. Verify Age: Verify your child’s age to ensure accurate restrictions.

Additional Resources

  • Online Safety Tips: Learn how to keep your child safe online.
  • Parental Guidance: Find resources on how to talk to your child about online safety.